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ΠΜΣ "Μεταβολικά Νοσήματα των Οστών"



1. Bone cells: osteoblasts, osteoclasts, osteocytes (4 ECTS)

2. Bone  vascularisation and angiogenesis, collagen and Bone Biomechanics- Fracture Healing (3 ECTS)

3. Bone Growth, Bone Remodelling and Peak Bone Mass (2 ECTS)

4. Homeostasis of Calcium and Magnesium, Phosphate Metabolism (4 ECTS)

5. PTH and PTH related peptide (PTHrP) (2 ECTS)

6. Skeletal and extraskeletal effects of Vitamin D3 (3 ECTS)

7. Bone Densitometry, Bone Imaging Techniques in Bone Metabolic Diseases (4 ECTS)

8. Markers of bone formation and bone resorption, Bone Histomorphometry (2 ECTS)

9. Basic Principles of cellular signalling (2 ECTS)

10. Principles of Autoimmunity (2 ECTS)

11. Biostatistics (2 ECTS)

                COURSE TITLES 2nd SEMESTER (30 ECTS)

1. Definition and Clinical Presentation of Osteoporosis - The Epidemiology of Osteoporosis (3 ECTS)

2. The Pathophysiology of Osteoporosis-The Genetics of Osteoporosis (3 ECTS)

3. Osteoporosis Pharmaceutical Treatments (3 ECTS)

4. Anti-catabolic Treatment of Osteoporosis (3 ECTS)

5. Osteo-anabolic Treatment of Osteoporosis-Bimodular Anti-osteoporotic drugs (3 ECTS)

6. Calcium and Vitamin D in the Treatment of Osteoporosis (3 ECTS)

7. Advances in Osteoporosis Treatment-Experimental Osteoporosis Models (3 ECTS)

8. Menopause-Age-Dependent Bone Loss-Metabolic Bone Diseases during Gestation and Lactation (3 ECTS)

9. Surgical Treatment of Osteoporotic Fractures-Kyphoplasty - Vertebroplasty (3 ECTS)

10. Tutorium (3 ECTS)


1. Osteoporosis in Children and Genetic and Developmental Diseases of the Skeleton (3 ECTS)

2. Corticosteroid induced Osteoporosis  -  Post-Transplant Osteoporosis ασθενείς (3 ECTS)

3. Male Osteoporosis (2 ECTS)

4. Secondary Osteoporosis – Premenopausal Osteoporosis (3 ECTS)

5. Nutrition and bone metabolism – Exercise in osteoporosis and falls and fractures prevention (2 ECTS)

6. Abnormalities in Calcium Metabolism – Hyperparathyroidism (3 ECTS)

7. Hypocalcemia. Age-dependent Vitamin D – Related Disorders (3 ECTS)

8. Paget’s Disease (2 ECTS)

9. Chronic Kindney Disease Mineral Bone Disorders - Nephrolithiasis (3 ECTS)

10. Biology of metastatic bone disease – Hematological diseases and osteoporosis (3 ECTS)

11. Tutorium (3 ECTS)


1. Osteonecrosis and Transient Regional Osteoporosis – Sarcopenia (2 ECTS)

2. Physiology and pathology of the joints (2 ECTS)

3. Oral Manifestations of Metabolic Bone Disorders (2 ECTS)

4. Infiltrative Disorders of the Bone – Atherosclerosis and bone metabolism (2 ECTS)

5. Clinical Workshop (2 ECTS)

6. Senior Thesis (20 ECTS)