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ΠΜΣ "Μεταβολικά Νοσήματα των Οστών"


The courses of the MSc in "Metabolic Bone Diseases" are held at the Laboratory for the Research of Musculoskeletal Diseases (LRMS) of the KAT General Hospital, which serves teaching and research needs in the field of metabolic bone diseases through its modern educational facilities.

In detail, the LRMS offers postgraduate students access to the following departments for conducting clinical and experimental research studies:


1. Experimental Surgery

The research activity of the experimental surgery concerns subjects of research related to metabolic bone diseases, orthopedic surgery and osteoarthritis. All relevant research is carried out in simulation models, in rats and rabbits, by resident and specialist doctors, veterinarians and dentists, including doctoral dissertations and studies from various research projects.

The experimental theater of operations of the LRMS is well organized with 2 operating rooms and an auxiliary one that serves educational purposes. It is staffed with two nurses and a zookeeper.


2.Department of Training in Microsurgery

This department, which is housed in the experimental operating room and is assisted by the Hand And Microsurgery Clinic of KAT Hospital, provides continuous training of young surgeons and orthopedists in the technique of microsurgery. The department has sufficient equipment in surgical microscopes and tools.


3.Laboratory animal housing

In this department, under the supervision of a veterinarian, the recommended standards for the stay of small laboratory animals, such as mice, rats and rabbits, are ensured.


4.Department of Biomechanics and Kinesiology

There is special equipment for the estimation of bone strength and generally the mechanical properties of the musculoskeletal system.



5.Laboratory of Biochemistry

This department deals with biochemical tests performed in humans for the study of calcium metabolism and biochemical bone markers.


6.Department of Pathology and Bone Histomorphometry

Bone biopsies from human patients and laboratory animals can be evaluated at the LRMS, either in individual patients for diagnostic purposes or in multiple patients as a part of clinical trials or specific research protocols.


7. The Department of Bone Densitometry (DXA) and Quantitative Computed Tomography (pQCT)

The Department has a DXA machine and also a peripheral QCT machine, which are used for: 1) the densitometric diagnosis of osteoporosis (DXA) and 2) the conduct of clinical and experimental research studies (DXA, pQCT).


8.Outpatient Osteoporosis Clinics

The students of the MSc have also the opportunity to be trained:

A) at the Outepatients’ Osteoporosis and Metabolic Bone Diseases Clinic, which is housed in the outpatient area of KAT Hospital

b) at the LRMS which is also a referral center for patients with Metabolic Bone Diseases  (>1000 patients per year). Students may be trained in the diagnosis of difficult cases or even perform research studies, if applicable, for their  Thesis or even doctoral dissertations.

C) the Electronic Osteoporosis Clinic – Elecost

The Electronic Osteoporosis Clinic (Elecost) is an innovation of the Hellenic Osteoporosis Foundation (HELIOST) which aims to develop a nationwide electronic network of osteoporosis clinics with a common diagnostic and therapeutic protocol and aims to facilitate users in the initial examination and subsequent monitoring of their patients.

Elecost is an easy-to-use and useful educational tool for the diagnosis and treatment of osteoporotic patients. It considers the influence of multiple clinical risk factors for fractures and predicts the ten-year probability of developing a major osteoporotic fracture as well as a hip fracture. Due to the majority of risk factors taken into account,  the assessment of the risk of osteoporotic fracture maybe enhanced, thus facilitating the treatment decision.

The participation of the students of the Postgraduate Program in clinical practice is part of the educational process of the Postgraduate Program.


9.Department of Documentation and Medical Statistics

The LRMS is one of the few Research Centers in Greece that have a special Department of Biostatistics. This is an important advantage of the MSc, as this Department advises the students of the MSc in the design but also in the progress of their Theses in terms of statistical analysis and future publication.

Specifically, the following services are provided: 

  • Study design
  • Sample estimation
  • Data recording 
  • Statistical analysis 
  • Commentary on the Results and
  • Presentation of Results

 The department has two fully equipped offices with 2 computers equipped with statistical analysis software programs.


10. Lecture Hall

The Lecture Hall of the LRMS named "GEORGIOS P. LYRITIS" is used for lectures, seminars,  ceremonies, awards, etc. It has a capacity of 80 seats and is equipped with modern audiovisual means, such as projector, PC, wired and wireless internet access, sound and microphone installation system, air conditioning, natural and artificial lighting.



The Library provides access to an archive of scientific journals and textbooks, in printed and electronic form. Direct access to the Library's services facilitates the study and research activity of postgraduate students.


12. Office of the Postgraduate Program

The fully equipped and furnished office of the Postgraduate Program is a stable and permanent meeting place for students with their tutors, as well as with the Secretariat of the Program. The office provides the students direct access to useful educational material concerning previously published Thesis of former students of the Program and addresses all student issues that may arise (e.g. Certificates of Studies, Analytical Grades). It also offers computer access (2 PCs, 3 Laptops) with access to the Internet, a multifunction machine (Printer/Scanner/Copier/Fax), videoconferencing and connection to the network of NKUA for access to its electronic library. The software available for use include Microsoft Office (EXCEL, WORD, POWERPOINT, etc.), SPSS, TURNITIN plagiarism control software, Elecost Osteoporosis Online Clinic, etc. 

At the same time, the activities of the Postgraduate Program are served by the central Lecture Hall (Amphitheater) of the KAT General Hospital, named "G. CHARTOFYLAKIDIS", that has a capacity of 160 seats and is equipped with modern audiovisual means, such as a projector, PC, internet access, sound and microphone installation system, air conditioning, natural and artificial lighting.

Students of the MSc who undertake research Theses, are additionally given the opportunity to perform them at the Choremeio Research Laboratory of the First Pediatric Clinic of NKUA.

The First Pediatric Clinic  of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) is the largest and oldest tertiary pediatric clinic in the country. At the same time, it hosts one of the oldest research laboratories, the Choremeio Research Laboratory (CHP), which is an institutionalized department of the First Pediatric Clinic. In particular, the Choremeio Research Laboratory has the infrastructure and equipment to cover and support the elaboration of research projects, since it is one of the most complete and most suitable equipped research laboratories. The main activities of the Choremeio concern the research and laboratory diagnosis of pediatric diseases. Part of the research carried out involves the use of in vitro cellular systems for the detection of molecular mechanisms of diseases with particular emphasis on the study of neoplasms. In addition, it has all the necessary equipment for the completion of each research project such as flow cytometry, qRT-PCR, microarray scanners, incubator furnaces, negative pressure arresters, etc.


The contribution of the above material and technical infrastructure is a decisive factor for the smooth operation of the MSc regarding the quality of education services provided to postgraduate students.